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Rhythmic Movement Training

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

Find out more about rhythmic movement training and how this can help your children.

Rhythmic Movement Training and Reflex Integration

Why do children have trouble riding a bike, swimming or throwing a ball?

Why do children have problems sitting still, dislike tight clothing or are afraid of the dark?

Why do children suffer from motion sickness, have poor balance or are clumsy and


They may have retained primitive reflexes!

What are Primitive Reflexes?

Primitive reflexes are developed in babies before they are even born and are controlled by a part of the babies brain called the Pons. Primitive Reflexes help your baby to survive in the early years and protect themselves from injury.

Movement is the key in the early years to help baby develop control over their primitive reflexes. When our babies have proper control, they can move within their environment which allows them to play, run, swim, swing, dress themselves and sit still for learning. This indicates that they have a good understanding of their 6 senses which are; touch, hearing, smell, sight, taste and movement.

If babies for some reason haven't had the chance to move in the first 5 years, (for example; reflux, any surgeries, anxiety or prolonged illness) they can struggle with understanding their senses and therefore reflexes dominate to protect them.

Free body movements such as: tummy time, play mat time with hanging toys, swimming, cuddles and chest to chest time help to boost brain development.

Babies primitive reflexes normally stay present until 3.5 years of age but if they are there after this age you may notice your child might have problems with learning including difficulty with:

  • riding a bike

  • swimming

  • throwing a ball

  • sitting still

  • reading and language

  • they dislike tight clothing

  • suffer from motion sickness in moving vehicles (car, bus, train, boat)

  • are afraid to go to toilet in the dark

  • are clumsy and uncoordinated just to name a few.

Why Rhythmical Movements?

When our children are babies we naturally rock and bounce them to calm them and this helps to boost brain development and retrain the brain. When children are older we forget to do these movements yet they are essential to assist them with learning and movement.

Here at Albany Children's Physio we have expert therapists who are trained in assessing and treating children with retained primitive reflexes and associated learning difficulties.

Did you know that with simple rhythmical movements the brain can be re-trained?

We can give you simply rhythmical movements to help integrate these reflexes.

For an appointment, contact us on (08) 6818 6268.

For more information of Rhythmical Movement please click the below link:

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